You can get better…if you actually want it

I’m going to tell you a story, which was the turning point that made me reconsider all the aspects of my life

Martina Dobreva
3 min readJul 22, 2020

A couple of years ago until recently, I never sat down and thought about what is going on with my life. I was just inside the routine of waking up early, going to the office, after work returning home, taking a shower, having dinner and maybe chilling with some movie before falling asleep. At the same time I was surrounded by a circle of people that they were not contributing to my growth, they were not teaching me anything new or showing me a different perspective of life. They had no purpose in their life and some of them were toxic in nature (I’m referring to friends and partners). I can’t say that I was not living the life I wanted because in the end I was accepting that situation and I didn’t see any need for a big change. Eventually, in the long term, I knew deeply inside me that there was something wrong with the lifestyle I was leading. I was not lying to myself and I didn’t want to ignore the fact that I needed to change my thinking from the roots.

If you identify yourself with the same, then definitely you should reconsider your choices.

Maybe I was not paying attention to the consequences that all of this would bring. If you have some socially accepted bad habit like, for example, smoking or playing computer games so that you don’t finish any project you have started and you think you have made the right choice, then good for you. But it’s also good time to time to reconsider the choices you have made that they brought you to the situation you are right now. Doing that reconsideration every month will make you more self-conscious and happy. Because in the end, it’s all about choices and making the right choices whenever you can.

What happened when I started to reconsider deeply my life was that I found out those inconsistent things I was keeping up with. I clearly saw that I made the choice to have those friends, that partner, this routine, etc. After analyzing my already taken choices, I decided to make some changes on them. There might be infinite possibilities to choose but we all know that there are only good or better choices and the others just drop inside the box of bad or worse choices. I found out that my life was not made fully of bad choices but if I wanted to improve and change, then I needed to re-choose again and make those new choices an habit. Once they become an habit, you don’t even need to think about them and remind yourself constantly that you made those choices because of some reason. The best of sitting and reconsidering your choices every month is that you can even reconsider the new choice you made the last month, maybe there is also something that could be improved about this particular choice.

I tried to stay away from people that were not bringing anything good to my life and that made me act in a different way that was not representing who I was. I tried to meet new people and look them in a different way in order to decide whether they could be friends with me or not. Being social is something far away from being friendly and smiling all the time, there is no need to fake anything just to have someone to talk with. The same applies to the romantic relationships, you shouldn’t be with a partner that doesn’t respect you and is constantly trying to manipulate you so that you won’t notice his real actions. All of those things are not healthy and the best is to reconsider them as soon as possible. You can also change your routine and have a better life, one that you enjoy and you’re proud of it. I chose to eat healthier, exercise more, have a skin routine twice a day and don’t stress so much. There are so many other things that I want to change in the future and maybe it’s time to reconsider them too.

It’s you doing it for yourself. Everything is all about making the right choices in life.



Martina Dobreva

I write about personal experiences. I journal and recite poems, as well as some short stories. Read, write, repeat! Author of the poetry book “My land”.